Conductive Heat Transfer Explained in Easy Language - Core Chemical

Conductive Heat Transfer

Conductive Heat Transfer Basics

Definition of Conductive Heat Transfer

Conductive heat transfer, also known as thermal conduction, is the process by which heat is transferred through a material without any movement of the material itself. It occurs in solids, liquid and gases, where the energy is transferred from one molecule to another through direct microscopic collisions.

The basic idea is that when one part of a material is heated, its molecules gain energy and vibrate more rapidly. These energetic molecules then collide with adjacent molecules, transferring some of their energy in the process. This continues throughout the material, creating a chain reaction of vibrating molecules and, consequently, transferring heat from the hot end to the cooler end.

Heat Conduction Example

 Conductive Heat Transfer in Various Matters

Conductive Heat Transfer in Metals

In metals, the heat transfer is primarily facilitated by the movement of free electrons. Metals have a unique property called the "electron sea". In this model, the outer electrons of metal atoms are not tightly bound to any particular atom but are free to move throughout the material. When one part of the metal is heated, these free electrons gain kinetic energy and move more rapidly.

As these energetic electrons move through the lattice of metal atoms, they collide with both stationary atoms and other electrons, transferring energy. This collective movement of free electrons throughout the metal lattice facilitates a highly efficient transfer of heat. This is why metals are generally good conductors of heat.

Conductive Heat Transfer in Non-Metals

In nonmetals, such as wood, rubber, or ceramics, the mechanism of conductive heat transfer is different. These materials typically have a more ordered atomic or molecular structure. When one part of a nonmetal is heated, the atoms or molecules vibrate more rapidly, transferring energy to neighbouring atoms through collisions.

However, unlike in metals, nonmetals often lack free electrons that can move freely throughout the material. As a result, the transfer of heat in nonmetals is generally slower compared to metals. Additionally, the presence of air pockets or trapped gases in nonmetals can further hinder the efficient transfer of heat.

It's important to note that while metals are excellent conductors, nonmetals are often used as insulators precisely because they are poor conductors of heat. Insulating materials minimize the transfer of heat, helping to maintain temperature differences and prevent the loss or gain of heat in various applications.

Conductive Heat Transfer in Liquids

In liquids, the conductive heat transfer is primarily driven by the movement of molecules. When a portion of a liquid is heated, the molecules gain energy, causing them to move more rapidly and collide with neighbouring molecules. This kinetic energy is then transferred through these collisions, leading to the gradual propagation of heat through the liquid. While liquids are generally less conductive than solids due to the lack of a rigid structure, they can still facilitate the transfer of heat, making them important in various industrial processes such as heating systems, cooling systems, and chemical reactions involving liquid-phase reactants.

Conductive Heat Transfer in Gases

In gases, conductive heat transfer is less effective compared to liquids and solids. Gases have lower molecular density and lack a fixed structure, leading to fewer molecular collisions and a higher resistance to heat transfer through conduction. Instead, heat transfer in gases is primarily dominated by convective and radiative mechanisms. However, in certain conditions, such as low pressure and high temperature, conductive heat transfer in gases can become more significant. An example is the conduction of heat through a stagnant layer of gas in contact with a solid surface.

Conductive Heat Transfer Rate Calculations

The rate of conductive heat transfer is influenced by several factors:
  • Material Conductivity (Thermal Conductivity): Different materials have different abilities to conduct heat. Metals, for example, are generally good conductors, while insulating materials like rubber or wood are poor conductors.
  • Cross-Sectional Area: The larger the cross-sectional area, the more pathways there are for heat to flow. A thicker material allows for more efficient heat transfer.
  • Temperature Gradient: The greater the temperature difference between the two ends of the material, the faster the heat will be conducted. This is described by Fourier's Law of Heat Conduction, which states that the rate of heat transfer is directly proportional to the temperature difference.
Fourier Law of Heat Conduction

The mathematical expression for conductive heat transfer is given by Fourier's Law:

Q = -k * A * ΔTd

  • Q is the conductive heat transfer rate
  • k is the thermal conductivity of the material
  • A is the cross-sectional area
  • ΔT is the temperature difference
  • d is the thickness of the material

Industrial Application of Conductive Heat Transfer

Shell and tube heat exchangers are common in industries such as chemical processing, petrochemical, power generation, and HVAC systems. They consist of a series of tubes enclosed within a cylindrical shell. Hot fluid flows through the tubes, while a second fluid, either colder or at a different temperature, flows around the outside of the tubes within the shell.

Conductive Heat Transfer Role: The heat transfer between the hot and cold fluids primarily occurs through the conductive heat transfer across the tube walls. The tubes are often made of thermally conductive materials such as metals (e.g., stainless steel) to facilitate efficient heat conduction. As the hot fluid within the tubes exchanges heat with the colder fluid surrounding the tubes, the conductive heat transfer ensures a controlled and effective thermal exchange process.

Read Next: Modes of Heat Transfer

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